Gideon Tadmor

With over 20 years of extensive experience initiating and managing Exploration and Production projects worldwide, Gideon is the Chairman of Delek Drilling & CEO of Avner, positions he has held for the past 15 years.

Gideon is one of the founders and major drivers behind the success of the Eastern Mediterranean oil & gas industry. Gideon led the successful development of the Yam Tethys project, Israel’s first producing natural gas reservoir discovered in 2000. Gideon continued to lead the development of the oil & gas sector in Israel with the extremely successful discovery & development of the Tamar natural gas field. Tamar has been producing natural gas since 2013 and will provide Israel with the majority of its natural gas needs over the next 20 years. In addition, the Companies under Gideon’s leadership are in the process of developing one of the world’s largest natural gas discoveries; Leviathan. Leviathan with 22 TCF of natural gas will transform the East Med region into a significant export hub over the next few years.

Gideon has an L.LB, is a member of the Israel Bar Association and holds the rank of Major in the Israel Defense Force.