Tag Archives: Benjamin Netanyahu

UOG 2015 Agenda is now ONLINE… Book your registration before Friday and save $300!
We are happy to announce that our website has been updated, you can now see some of our speakers on the homepage (many more to follow shortly) and the agenda being released. UOG 2015 is Israel’s only truly international oil andREAD MORE

ISRAEL OIL & GAS UPDATE: Landmark deal struck… Finally!
Israel gas developments are finally moving forward after a slow start earlier this year, with Ministers meeting on Thursday. Their decision is expected to be welcomed by Israel’s current gas giants, Noble Energy and Delek Group. Government are trying toREAD MORE

UOG Houston Trip and New Opportunities in Israel’s Gas Fields
OTC Houston Visit UOG had a superb time attending the world’s largest oil and gas event, OTC in Houston, last week. The UOG team were delighted to meet many Israeli companies at the Israel Pavilion, many of which were keenREAD MORE